24 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Graf Dalam Pengaturan Warna Lampu Lalu Lintas Menggunakan Algoritma Welch Powell

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    Matematika merupakan suatu ilmu yang banyak digunakan untuk menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Masalah tersebut ada yang dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan model matematika dan ada yang tidak dapat dimodelkan ke dalam model matematika. Salah satu cara penyelesaian masalah dengan teori graf. Graf disini dalam lampu lalu lintas digunakan untuk menandakan kapan kendaraan harus berjalan dan berhenti secara bergantian dari berbagai arah lalu lintas. Pengaturan lalu lintas di persimpangan jalan dimaksudkan untuk mengatur pergerakan kendaraan pada masing-masing kelompok pergerakan kendaraan agar dapat bergerak secara bergantian sehingga tidak saling mengganggu antar-arus yang ada. Lampu lalu lintas telah diadopsi di hampir semua kota di dunia ini. Lampu ini menggunakan warna yang diakui secara universal, untuk menandakan berhenti adalah warna merah, hati-hati yang ditandai dengan warna kuning, dan hijau yang berarti dapat berjalan. Dalam tulisan ini penulis akan membahas tentang pewarnaan lampu lalu lintas dengan graph dan menggunakan algoritma Welch Powell

    Improved point center algorithm for K-Means clustering to increase software defect prediction

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    The k-means is a clustering algorithm that is often and easy to use. This algorithm is susceptible to randomly chosen centroid points so that it cannot produce optimal results. This research aimed to improve the k-means algorithm’s performance by applying a proposed algorithm called point center. The proposed algorithm overcame the random centroid value in k-means and then applied it to predict software defects modules’ errors. The point center algorithm was proposed to determine the initial centroid value for the k-means algorithm optimization. Then, the selection of X and Y variables determined the cluster center members. The ten datasets were used to perform the testing, of which nine datasets were used for predicting software defects. The proposed center point algorithm showed the lowest errors. It also improved the k-means algorithm’s performance by an average of 12.82% cluster errors in the software compared to the centroid value obtained randomly on the simple k-means algorithm. The findings are beneficial and contribute to developing a clustering model to handle data, such as to predict software defect modules more accurately

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Inventaris Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah Berbasis Web

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    School is a teaching and learning institution. The problem observed in schools, in general, is that there is still no centrally managed web-based system, one of which is the loss of facility and infrastructure inventory data that is still maintained using Microsoft Excel, or the absence of a unique system to summarize it. Inventory data of facilities and infrastructure in the database or online. If information is needed, the school should look up each one in the office files. As a result of these problems, an application is needed in the form of a site information system and web-based infrastructure, every year the amount of data owned by schools increases and it is difficult to manage it. The manual summary is used to assist service schools in processing data such as information on the inventory of facilities and infrastructure. This research aims to develop an information system capable of managing real estate and infrastructure information in a web-based database system so that the system can connect to the Internet quickly and accurately. The author uses XAMPP as a local hosting server, which includes Apache as an HTTP server, MySQL as a database, Sublime Text 3 as a sentence editor for HTML and PHP scripts, and PHP as a programming language, and uses a browser to view output from web pages, and creates a database with SQL Yog

    Urgensi Manajemen Pendidikan dalam Era Teknologi

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    Kemajuan IPTEK memaksa setiap orang untuk ikut mengikuti kemajuannya, tidak terkecuali dengan pendidikan. Maka dari itu tugas yang paling penting bagi para tenaga pendidik atau guru adalah mereka harus paham dan mengerti mengenai teknologi agar dapat membantu setiap peserta didik dalam mencapai tujuannya, dan mencapai tujuan pendidikan itu sendiri. Untuk meningkatkan keefektifan tenaga pendidik atau guru ini akan dilakukan penelitian tentang manajemen pengelolaan tenaga pendidik agar tahu apakah manajemen pengelolaan tenaga pendidik ini terintegrasi dengan kemajuan zaman teknologi saat ini. Disini kami melakukan penelitian yang dapat menjawab, apa yang sebenarnya dibutuhkan agar manajemen pendidik berbasis teknologi ini dapat tercapai. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis memakai metode studi literatur. Metode ini adalah serangkaian yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca, dan mencatat, serta yang mengelola bahan penelitian. Peningkatan profesionalitas pendidik melalui gerakan literasi digital dapat dilakukan pada tahapan pengembangan dan pelatihan dalam manajemen pendidik, karena pada tahap tersebut terdapat tahap perencanaan karir yang dimana setiap pendidik diberikan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan bakat dan kemampuan yang akan dibutuhkan untuk karir kedepannya

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains Terpadu Siswa melalui Implementasi Levels of Inquiry (LoI)

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    The scientific process skills should trains to a pre-service teacher, especially pre-service physics teacher. This study aims to get description about the enhancement of students’ integrated scientific process skill through the level of inquiry (LoI) learning model. This research located at a public junior high school in Singkawang City. This research use week experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. Samples were taken by using cluster random technique. The instrument of collection data are tested KPS (scientific process skill test), LoI’s observation sheets, and attitude scale sheet (to collect students’ responses to LoI models). The result showed that students’ integrated scientific process skill is enhanced in n-gain 0,31 (medium), LoI’s observation sheet is”all activities were held” an attitude scale is 80,4 % (positive response). These could be concluded that Scientific Process Skill on that schools is enhancing (medium category) by using implementation of LoI model.   Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS) perlu dilatihkan terutama untuk calon guru sains termasuk calon guru fisika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran peningkatan aspek keterampilan proses sains (KPS) terpadu siswa melalui penerapan model Levels of Inquiry (LoI). Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu SMP Negeri Kota Singkawang, menggunakan metode weak experimental design dengan one group pretest-posttest design. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling. Instrument pengumpul data yang dipakai antara lain tes KPS, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan LoI, dan lembar skala sikap untuk mendapatkan deskripsi tanggapan siswa terhadap model LoI yang telah mereka alami. Hasil pengolahan instrument tes menunjukkan bahwa KPS yang dimiliki oleh siswa mengalami peningkatan dengan skor n-gain sebesar 0,31 (kategori sedang) dan keterlaksaaan model pembelajaran LOI dalam kategori “semua kegiatan siswa terlaksana” serta skala sikap dengan capaian respon bernilai 80,4 % (kategori positif). Dapat disimpulkan pada sekolah tersebut, KPS dapat ditingkatkan melalui penerapan LoI dengan kategori sedang

    Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Perawatan Pasien Berbasis Web Pada Klinik Cahaya Ibu

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    Information technology in the world is developing very fast. This is supported by the existence of electronic devices such as laptops, telephones and others, with these tools can help facilitate all human affairs to complete their work. Likewise with Cahaya Ibu 1 Clinic, in its service, patients definitely need fast and satisfying services for patients who seek outpatient or inpatient treatment. Therefore, the author tries to make research on the web-based patient care service system at Cahaya Ibu 1 Clinic. At this time, Cahaya Ibu 1 Clinic is one of the private clinics in the city of Pontianak. The system here is still using manually, which is still using books in recording patient registration, writing medical records, to making reports. This may slow down the work and may cause errors in the recording. The information system created by the author in this final project can solve the problems that exist in this clinic, as well as with a computerized system that is expected to facilitate the work of the employees there and an effective and efficient activity can be achieved. With the passage of time so that patients do not have to wait long and will look more conducive


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    Nowadays, people's lifestyles have undergone significant changes, such as decreased physical activity and increased sedentary behavior, as well as an increase in nutritionally unbalanced diets, especially in vitamin B1 (thiamine) intake. Deficiency and excess of thiamine can cause various diseases. Based on this, it is important to know the level of thiamine intake in dietary supplements and medicines. This study used a biosensor with amperometric principles to determine the effect of thiamine on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a cell model. Measurements were made by adding controlled vitamins to cell metabolic activity using an amperometric biosensor based on Pt/Ag electrodes. An amperometric biosensor will measure the current from a reduction and oxidation reaction with a constant potential. The effect of adding vitamins to yeast cells was observed in the form of cellular respiration, which was expressed as a parameter of dissolved oxygen level (DO). Vitamins used as samples were given various concentrations of 30 mM, 45 mM, and 60 mM. The addition of thiamine causes an increase in the potential value for each increase in concentration, indicating that DO levels in the cell environment have decreased due to yeast cells consuming O2 during the respiration process. The results of this study indicate that yeast cell-based biosensors can detect variations in the concentration of thiamine for further health applications

    Synthesis of carbon dots based on corn cobs as heavy metal ion sensors using the microwave method

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    Carbon dots (CDots) are nanomaterials that can be applied as a heavy metal ion sensor. CDotss ware synthesized from corncobs which are abundant and underutilized. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the concentration of corncobs on optical properties of CDots and their application as  Fe3+ ion sensors. CDots were synthesized with variations of corncobs’ mass 5, 10, 15, and 20 g and variations in metal ion concentrations 10-7, 10-6, 10-5, 10-4, and 10-3 M. The success of CDots synthesis was indicated by luminescence green when exposed to UV light. UV-Vis characterization showed that the greater the concentration of CDots could cause a shift in the absorbance peak towards longer wavelengths and peaks at wavelengths of 290, 291, 295, 298, and 323 nm, respectively. Photoluminescence (PL) characterization showed CDots emission peaks at 511, 504, 503, and 495 nm. The greater the concentration of CDots can cause a shift in the emission peak towards a shorter wavelength and increase the intensity. The PL characterization can identify the presence of Fe3+ metal ions with a wavelength shift that indicates a change in the CDots structure. The synthesis of CDots from corncobs have great potential to be applied as sensors

    Pelatihan Desain Poster Menggunakan Canva Bagi Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Surabaya

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    The rapid development of science and technology has resulted in various applications that can help various human needs, including in terms of design. Currently, there are various online-based design applications that provide a variety of attractive designs that can be accessed for free or for a fee, including Canva. This community service aims to increase the design creativity of SMAN 1 Surabaya students, especially in making poster designs with the Canva application. The results of the training showed that SMA Negeri 1 Surabaya students agreed that the training could increase students' knowledge and skills in making poster designs using Canva, as seen from the results of the questionnaire where 81.33% of students gave very good predicates to the training they had attended. The knowledge gained during the training is expected to be useful for students in the short and long term, namely in the wider scope of student life in the future

    Identification and Classification of Thiamine with Amperometric Biosensor Based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Principal Component Analysis

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    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) plays an important role in various metabolic processes and is one of the main factors in the body's health. Thiamine excess and deficiency in the body might cause a variety of diseases such as shortness of breath, beriberi, and heart failure, hence thiamine levels must be detected as a reference for intake. The present research detected thiamine using the amperometric biosensor method and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a bioreceptor. Dissolved oxygen (DO) level measurement parameters are considered based on yeast cell metabolism. Thiamine was treated with various concentrations of 15 mM, 30 mM, 45 mM, 60 mM, and 75 mM. The measurement results are in the voltage range of 1912–1964 mV, where the addition of thiamine causes an increase in the reproducibility and growth rate of yeast cells. The ideal characteristics of the biosensor based on the parameters of sensitivity, linearity, and stability was also carried out, which resulted in successive biosensor measurements of 0.925 mV/mM, a correlation coefficient of r = 0.9868, and a decrease in the voltage response of the biosensor up to 4.97% from its initial activity. The measured data were grouped and classified using principal component analysis (PCA), which resulted in a total accumulated data variance percentage of 84.5% and an eigenvalue > 1 for both PCs. It is intended that the findings of this research can be utilized as a reference for controlling vitamin consumption levels that have an impact on health